Custom Built Aluminum Duck Sled

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Length: 15’-3” to 17-feet
Bottom: 50”
Beam: 72”
Side Height: 19”
Height to Cockpit Rim: 23”
Bow deck: 45”
Cockpit width: 52-1/2”
Cockpit length: 11-feet
Aluminum thickness: 1/8” (All welded)


Mud Motor Ready!

Cost: The price of aluminum keeps climbing, and I do not get the cost discounts that large boat companies receive. I will sell my boat at comparable pricing. The advantage of buying my boat is that you gain the side decks and cockpit at no additional charge. I will also discount the removable and adjustable aluminum Duck-Boat Blind, if you order both the boat and blind. You also will save on shipping if you pick it up. Currently I am not Coast Guard Approved, although I anticipate I will have jumped through all their hoops and trials prior to the 2008 duck season. I will not be producing any boats during the 2007 duck season. Later I will post photographs of the boat painted with a Duck Boat Blind.


September 16, 2007
Dave Archer

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